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A N T I - V E N O M   F O R   A   S N A K E

Director  |  Written by Gerardo Garcia  |  Produced by Val Tan & Alex Jiang

1993, East Village, New York. When a provocateur drag queen loses her soulmate to AIDS, she struggles to pay rent and must fight to save her home and legacy.

Watch the trailer here:

Visit the full website at:

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Writer & Director

Welcome to my narrative portfolio.

Below you will find a number of short films I wrote and directed.


Because of the nature of film festivals and premiere statuses, the bulk of my recent films are still unavailable for public online viewing. I am happy to provide private screening links for any of my work listed here, please reach out to me directly. 


My early work, from 2016 - 2020, can be viewed publicly here.


Anti-Venom for a Snake (2022)

U N T I L   D E A T H   D O   U S   P A R T

Writer, Director, Creator | Magical Realism

In a final act of love, a man turns his dead wife's body into a piano, in order to play their wedding march one last time and bring her back from the dead.

Currently in post-production.
Until Death Do Us Part (2022)


Writer, Director, Creator | Queer Cinema

With the help of a rubber band, a closeted Catholic boy forces himself to masturbate to straight porn.
Elastic (2022)

d o n ' t   y o u   w o n d e r ?

Writer, Director, Unreal Artist | Animation

When two extraterrestrial androids discover an uninhabitable planet Earth, they contemplate the meaning of life, religion, and human conquest.

​Set 50,000 years in the future, "don't you wonder?" meditates on a post-human Earth through the lens of AI. This short film was written, directed, animated, and created solo by me.

Full short film:
don't you wonder? (2021)

F E V E R   D R E A M S

Writer, Director, Creator | Experimental

Fallen sick, a young man begins to lucid dream to cope with his isolation, in a surrealist exploration of emotional estrangement, mental fatigue, and the toll of the pandemic.
Fever Drams (2021)

L I T T L E   R E D   L I E

Writer, Director, Creator | Dark Comedy

Two boyfriends weigh the moral pros and cons of lying about their sexuality in order to donate blood.